Sunday, October 10, 2010

Woah Baaaaaby, Daaaaaats A Lotta People

The current series at GSM, In These Halls, is craaaaaazy awesome!!! God is working through so many students, filling each of our hearts with a different amount and kind of passion, but all striving to work for the same goal. Tonight in the group I was in, we were talking about the prayer circle thing we do everyday before school. I started going to it in the middle of the second semester last year and I've been doing it all year this year. And hollllly batman. God is seriously doing great things through it. it started as a small little group, before I even joined, and last year there was only about 15 people. This year, it varies each day, but we've had probably around 30-40 people gathered in the commons before school. (now I'm reeeeally bad at estimating things like that so don't hold me accountable to that number, but just know that it's grown a lotttt.) and it's totally God working through it all. And it keeps growing. new people show up daily. it's awesome!! tonight in the group I was in during GSM, we started talking about what if there were so many people praying with us that we took up the whole commons and we literally needed megaphone so everyone could hear and people would have t walk through the circle to get to the other side. what I'd it got so big that we couldn't even do it in the commons anymore? we just had an all school assembly on thursday and the whole gym was literally filled from top to bottom. what if there were that many people every morning willing to pray for our school and to live out and live in Christ's love? it's totally possible with God. my mind was blowwwwn when we started talking like that. because it totally could happen. God is that powerful.

This series at GSM is creating some pretty crazy and awesome thoughts and ideas. Those thoughts and ideas are turning into words being discussed at GSM and those words are becoming actions. our actions are what will have the biggest impact. Jesus is comin to Penn and many other schools around here and I am pummmmped!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm with ya girllll!