Thursday, February 18, 2010

It Only Took One...

Quick thought I had the other day in biology while we were watching a video about Darwin and evolution:
Darwin lived in a time period where most everyone believed in God. They all believed he made them, all the plants, all the animals, the whole world. But then Darwin came along and was like "ummm no." He had all his theories and such, and a lot of people disliked him because he was going against everything he was suppose to believe. But he stood up for what he believed, he didn't compromise his beliefs, he wasn't worried about what other people would say about him. And look at our world today...we get taught Darwin's beliefs in school, a lot of people believe in the theories he once had...
sooooo...what if that's how followers of Christ lived today. What if we stood up and defended what we believe without worrying what others will think of us or say about us. There was only 1 of Darwin...there are millions, if not more, people who at least call themselves "Christians". We could have such a HUGE impact on the world if we just had the faith Darwin had. (Not faith in the same thing...but a faith as strong as his) Maybe someday soon they would be able to teach Creation in school and a lot more people would go back to believing God created each one of us and every animal, every plant.
Also, Darwin was 1 person...with the help of Satan...he succeeded...theres just one example of Satan's power...
BUT God has a tonnn more power...he has already won...He gave us his Son, Jesus...Jesus died on the cross for you, for me...God raised him from the dead...conquered death...theres just one example of God's power...

Monday, February 1, 2010


The day has come, we are learning about evolution in biology. To be honest, i'm kind of excited. I'm interested in what evolutionists believe and what evidence they have to support it. I like hearing all the funny and completely crazy theories. But at the same time, I rrrreallllly wish we wouldn't have to learn about evolution in school. Or if it HAS to be a niccessity, I wish they would also teach creation. I have a feeling my next few biology classes are going to be quite interesting...

side note: we were watching a video today, and while we were watching it, i couldn't help but pray and tell God how crazy this all sounded. and then in my head there a biiiiiig stone statue (meant to be God) and He looked down and me and said, I KNOWWWWW!!!! WHAT IS THIS??!! CRAZINESS! I love these people, but MAN! they have some crazy ideas!
hahahahahahahahahhahaha it made me laugh. this could've been a "ya had to be there in my head" moment though.

I'm Baaaaack!

so, for about the past 3 weeks, i took a break from the computer. I didn't get on facebook, i didn't write any new blog posts, i didn't read any blog posts, i didn't creep anyone's twitter, and i rarely checked my email. Wellll, thats what i was trying to do. i'll admit that i read a few blog posts and i creeped a few twitters, but i'd say over all i did pretty good! The reason for this break? I was addicted. yepp, i am/was addicted to facebook creeping, blog reading, twitter creeping, sooo i decided that i needed to take a break. Take a break from looking into everything the world was doing, from what people would post as their status, looking at people's pictures, so i would have time to focus on God. First off, all the creeping time on the computer would keep me up at night and by the time i would get off the computer, i would be too tired to spend time with God. I tried to, but most of the time i was too tired to concentrate. I tried doing my devotion in the morning, but if you know me, you know that i am NOT a morning person and that just did not go over well at all! But once i stepped away from the computer, i was able to spend that time with God and i also got to spend more time with my family. Secondly, by not looking into everything people were posting, it took me away from what people of the world were doing, what people of the world were saying, how people of the world were reacting to this and that. it allowed me to focus on me. my life. my journey. where i'm at. where i want to be. where i need to be. overall, i'm glad i took a break, buuuut i'm back. haha i deffinently will not be spending as much time creeping though. (: hahaha