Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Faithful In the Small Things...

A few days ago, I lost my phone at school. Or so I thought... I haven't even had my phone for a month now, so its still pretty new. I had it in my sweatshirt pocket as I was walking out to where my mom was picking me up after school. Once I got into the car, I went to get my phone to see if I had any new texts. But it wasn't in my pocket. It wasn't in any of my pockets. I wasn't in my backpack, it wasn't anywhere in the car, and I guess you could say I was pretty much freaking out.

I knew I had just recently dropped it because I had it after 4th block. My mom told me to go retrace my steps so I got out of the car and started walking back into the school. To be honest, I had very, very, very little faith I would find it. Seriously, if I dropped it in the hall, only about 600 people walk in that hall after me. I didn't know what I would do if I couldn't find it. The whole time all I could think about was how mad my parents where going to be, how I would probably never get a phone again as long as I live under their roof, and how irresponisble I was. But somehow, inbetween all those negative thoughts, something inside of me told me to pray, and pray hard. So I did. But I didn't just pray, I pleaded. I begged God to please, please, plllllease help me find my phone. (Now I know I may seem a little obsessed with my phone, but trust me going almost 15 years without one while almost everyone around you has one will make you appreciate a cell phone that much more.) My hope was so small and weak. I was actually planning out what I would do when I got home. I was going to call my phone, hope someone would pick up, and nicely demand that they give me my phone back. I was estimating how long I would be grounded from it if I got it back. I was even sad and disappointed in myself.

After I had retraced all my steps and searched in ever possible place, I started walking back to the car, phoneless. I was still praying that God would somehow let it all work out. I kept telling myself it happened for a reason. As I was walking back to the car, my hope in finding my phone was so small, it was almost gone. I was about 5 steps away from the car, when right there, lying in the grass, was my beloved phone. I was prrrrettttty happy. And extremely thankful! God deffinently came through for me. Not once did I ever doubt or question him. I had little faith that I would find my phone, but that didn't hinder my thoughts about how this was all apart of God's plan for me and somehow, I would make it through. (Once again, this may sound a little extravagent...but keep reading and you'll see the bigger picture). God came through for me because I didn't doubt and I continued praising him even when my faith was almost gone. This situation is small compared to what is to come in my life, but now that I've saw how God will pull through if I remain strong in him. If I don't doubt his plans for me and I continue giving him praise and glory all my days, he will not let me down. He will carry me through. I pray that I will have the same trust and faith in him in the bigger situations.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


So today during geography, I was thinking about eternity. As believers in Christ we will spend eternity in heaven. Eternity...eternity...eternity. WOW. That's like forever. What the hey are we gonna do in heaven for eternity??!! seriously! For some reason when I was thinking about eternity in school, of all places, it hit me like never before how long eternity is. Its uncomprehensible! And for some reason it kind of scared me. Forever. and ever. and ever. Its soooo...I don't even know a word to describe it! I can't even wrap my mind around it. It's amazing.

Well...there's my random thought of the day!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Everything Costs Something...Some Things Cost Everything

I just finished a very good book given to me by my dear friend Jordan (: called "And the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh. One of my favorite chapters in the book talks about the cost of pursuing God, knowing God, and loving God with our whole heart, mind, body, and spirit. To fully pursue, know, and love God, it will cost you a total of..............(drum roll please)....dunnadunnadunnadunna...............everything.

In her book, Dannah talks about Matthew 13:45-46, "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." We don't really understand the true value of a pearl because of the culture we live in today. Jesus lived in a culture that knew their true value. Back then, the only way to find a pearl was to dive into the ocean and find thousands of mollusks, just to find one pearl! And that peal may or may not be of great value. We still can't appreciate the real value though because of the technology filled world we live in. Think of how hard it would be to dive into and ocean and collect thousands of mollusks WITHOUT any technology. Yeah, not fun. A valueable pearl was rare. So rare and valueable that a man would have to sell all he had - his land, his livestock, his servants, even his home - just to buy this one pearl!

So the question I ask my self and the question I ask you is, Are you willing to sell everything you have for one valueable pearl? Knowing that God is our pearl. Knowing him fully is our pearl. Understanding his love, grace, and mercy is our pearl.

There is a pearl of great price. We are to seek it. We are commanded to purchase it. It costs everything. It is worth the price.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Youth Ministarz (:

The story behind jordan, celia, olivia, and i making this ammaaazing video (:
We saw it on DC Curry's blog (one of our youth ministers) We thought it was hilarious sooooo we decided to make our own and then show it to our youth ministers Johnny Keim and DC Curry. They are awesome! (:

by the way: jordan has chocolate pudding on her in the beginning...but then it started to dry and it hurt so we had to take it off. hahahaha

here's a link to the original video if you would like to compare how much better ours is (: hahahahahahaha

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wings like Eagles

At GSM a few weeks ago we sang "Everlasting God". I really like that song. The lyrics are so true; my God is the everlasting God. He doesn't faint or grow weary, he defends the weak and gives comfort to those who need it. But one part of the song go me thinking; "You lift us up on wings like eagles." That is no doubt a similie because how in the world are we lifted up on wings like eagles? What does that mean? Why an eagle? Why not have the speed of a lepard or something? I honestly did not see how eagles fit into the whole song, so I decided to do a little research about eagles and what I found out suprised and inspired me.

It turns out, we can spiritually connect with an eagle. Not by like having a little small group devotion with eagles, but we can learn from their actions. Eagles know when a storm is approaching long before it even breaks. So they fly to a high point in the sky and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets it's wings so that the winds will pick it up and lift the eagle above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above. Isn't that interesting? Unlike most animals that would hide and try to escape the storm, eagles fly into the storm and they use it to lift themselves higher. We can learn from the eagles behavior. When the storms of life come, we shouldn't hide, we need to be so confident in whom we serve, that nothing can cause us to hide or hinder us from seeking shelter in God. He can lift us above the storm if we set our mind and heart on Him. He can give us strength. We can rise up to safety. The damage the storm leaves will still be there, but the peace and love of God's presence will cause us to see it in a different way. The storms of life can actually help us in our walk of faith. This is because they build something in us that will be apart of our lives forever. We can learn from trails, and grow from the experience.

Rise up and face the storms of life head on like an eagle. God has given us the strengh. We were born to fly.

"The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40: 28-31