Not any 2 people in the world have EXACTLY the same faith. We may have the same foundation, key points, ect, but somewhere there will be differences. On Friday, I had some of my closest friends at my house and somehow, as it often does, we started having an actual conversation that didnt include boys, gossip, yadda yadda, blah blah. (which, by the way, i rrreally like that my friends and i are first, able to have a conversation like that, and second, that we do have conversations like that). This conversation, i must say, was probably the most intense one we've ever had. and i LOVED it! Some things I took away from the conversation (without going into the depth of what we discussed) are this:
-within my friend group, we have different opinions and views, and that is okay! it's awesome actually!!
-i learn A LOT from my friends
-we all are VERY opinionated, which makes for a very interesting conversation
-we are all VERY stubborn and thick-headed, which also makes for a very interesting conversation
-even with that, we were able to listen to each other and learn from each other.
-i'm so thankful that my friends and i can talk like this, knowing we mean nothing personally
-i love it that we can have conversation that is actually meaningful and worthwhile
-and for all of this to happen, we didnt need to be lead and we didnt need to be in any special enviornment
basically, i'm really glad that what happened on Friday night, happened. I was strethched, I grew, I was challenged, I learned, and I think my other friends can say the same