horrible picture...sorry guys! we need a better one!
friend [frend] noun
1. a person attached to another by feelins of affection or personal regaurd
2. a person who gives assistance
True friends are hard to find. It took me 12 years to find a group of 3 girls that I consider my best friends. They are wild, crazy, amazing, fun, awkward (:, AWESOME! I love them so much! These amazing girls are Jordan, Celia, and Olivia. It took me up until this past year to realize just how much they mean to me and how much I need them. They are amazing. I can tell them anything and everything and I know they won't judge me. I know they will always be there for me and I can come to them with any problems I am having in my life. They give me another perspective and they also give some of the BEST advice! I can share stories of my life with them and not feel like I'm being judged. Without them, I would not be who I am today. Most importantly, my friendship with each one of them has bround me closer to Christ in so many ways. That is something I will value for the rest of my life. These girls inspire me everyday. I look up to each one of them. They are amazing and I thank God everyday for putting them in my life.
Jordan, Celia, and Olivia:
You guys are amazing women of God. Thank you for all you do for me and for His kingdom. He has great things planned out for each one of you and I hope that I will be there to see His plans for your life unfold. I love you girls with all of my heart! I will ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what! Our high school years mayb be some of the toughest years we go through, but we have each other. I am so excited to see what God has planned for our friendship! (:
1 comment:
Awwww brittany that made me cry (: haha i'm such a sap (: But thanks, that was really sweet! I love ya too!
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