"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”
Monday, December 21, 2009
Straight No Chaser - 12 Days of Christmas
We watched this video in choir on Friday and I thought I would share it with those of you who read my blog...all 3 of you.
things that entertain me,
Friday, December 18, 2009
Finally! (:
school is finally out!! for 2 weeks at least! (:
i needed a break from school. all of my finals are done, most of the stress is gone, and the school year is already half way over! its crazy!
CHRISTMAS break (as i like to call it) has offically begun. and what did i do on my first night? well, i was going to go to a birthday party, but since rugby yesterday made my stomach hurt all day today, i didn't feel good enough to go. so i stayed home, watched Santa Claus, got on the computer, made and wrapped a few christmas gifts, and listened to music (which consisted of the backstreet boys and nsync. hahaha i was reliving my younger years (: ) although i felt as if i had no life, it was a quite relaxing night. now the next two weeks, next week for sure, there is going to be little time for relaxing.
tomorrow (saturday): second small group christmas movie/gift exchange (:, going to fort wayne, staying the night at my dad's house
sunday: first (kind of second) christmas of many, coming back home
monday: relaxing durning the day! (: then over to jordans for our small group sleep over! (:
tuesday: i have no idea. probably last minute christmas shopping.
wednesday: me, melia, and abby are going to swiss valley to eat (: hahaha and maybe ski?
thursday: back to fort wayne for christmas eve! coming back home later that night. christmas eve service at 11
friday: CHRISTMAS!! going back to fort wayne for the day. coming back that night.
saturday: christmas with the millers
sunday: back to fort wayne for christmas with my mom's side of the family and to celebrate my grandpas birthday! i have no idea when we are coming back.
monday: hopefully relaxing!
tuesday: rugby /: relaxing.
then nothing the rest of the week yet! (: me and olivia need to go shopping for our snowball dresses sometime that week...but i dunno when.
oh! and then on sunday: GSMMMMMM!!!! (:(:(:
so this was really a completely pointless post. but now you can stalk me for the next 1 and half weeks!
note to jordan: you will be quized over this post to see if you really creep me or not. i believe that you do. which kiiiinda creeps me out a lot. i'm honored to call you my friend.
i needed a break from school. all of my finals are done, most of the stress is gone, and the school year is already half way over! its crazy!
CHRISTMAS break (as i like to call it) has offically begun. and what did i do on my first night? well, i was going to go to a birthday party, but since rugby yesterday made my stomach hurt all day today, i didn't feel good enough to go. so i stayed home, watched Santa Claus, got on the computer, made and wrapped a few christmas gifts, and listened to music (which consisted of the backstreet boys and nsync. hahaha i was reliving my younger years (: ) although i felt as if i had no life, it was a quite relaxing night. now the next two weeks, next week for sure, there is going to be little time for relaxing.
tomorrow (saturday): second small group christmas movie/gift exchange (:, going to fort wayne, staying the night at my dad's house
sunday: first (kind of second) christmas of many, coming back home
monday: relaxing durning the day! (: then over to jordans for our small group sleep over! (:
tuesday: i have no idea. probably last minute christmas shopping.
wednesday: me, melia, and abby are going to swiss valley to eat (: hahaha and maybe ski?
thursday: back to fort wayne for christmas eve! coming back home later that night. christmas eve service at 11
friday: CHRISTMAS!! going back to fort wayne for the day. coming back that night.
saturday: christmas with the millers
sunday: back to fort wayne for christmas with my mom's side of the family and to celebrate my grandpas birthday! i have no idea when we are coming back.
monday: hopefully relaxing!
tuesday: rugby /: relaxing.
then nothing the rest of the week yet! (: me and olivia need to go shopping for our snowball dresses sometime that week...but i dunno when.
oh! and then on sunday: GSMMMMMM!!!! (:(:(:
so this was really a completely pointless post. but now you can stalk me for the next 1 and half weeks!
note to jordan: you will be quized over this post to see if you really creep me or not. i believe that you do. which kiiiinda creeps me out a lot. i'm honored to call you my friend.
Monday, December 14, 2009

Sooo, the past week, we had 3 choir concerts. One Thursday night, one Friday night, and one Sunday afternoon. They were...interesting...haha. We got to wear those ever so attractive bright red robes! YES! i felt like a tomoato, the devil, a curtain, a gospel choir member (as you see in the second picture), a nun, and there was probably more...but i cant remember them all. The performance was great! We got a standing ovation all three concerts and Friday and Sunday were sold out, but behind the seens...things weren't so peachy. On Thursday night...umm wow. It was soooo bad. hahahha in the freshman girls holding area...it was not fun. at all. it was like a 4th grade sleepover. ya know when like everyone is yelling at each other, girls were crying, people were complaining left and right, shut up was being yelled every 3 seconds, and there was soooo much cussing! (okay i guess you probably wouldn't hear cussing at a 4th grade sleepover, but other then that...) I was getting so mad and annoyed!! hahaha seriously though! WE ARE IN 9TH GRADE! and we were so unorganized that day. and then my favorite part about thursday, after we had all yelled at each other, over each other, said shut up about 473 times, and just about pulled our hair out, we all got back on stage and happily sang the last 3 songs like nothing was ever wrong. it was interesting.
THEN ON FRIDAY: so first of all this girl got in a fight on friday, and she was in choir but no one thought she would show up. this girl just happens to stand right next to me, how peachy. anyways! she showed up, checked in so she could get her points, asked to use someone else's phone, told someone she was leaving to go to her friends house and she would be back after the concert, and left. with the phone that wasn't hers. after about a half hour of freaking out and calling and texting the phone, we got it back. only the girl who got her phone stolen (partially) was furious...it was not good. but we all got on the stage and sang once again like everything was perfect! (haha we sooo fooled the audience (: )
finally, on sunday, our last concert, the complications were nothing compared to what all happened on thursday and friday! the girl who stole the phone was back...and then girl who got her phone stolen was also there. and guess who stands directly inbetween then the whole concert? YEP. ME. how. awesome. don't worry though, nothing happened (thank goodnessss!) the only awkward thing was that at the end while we were in the middle of bowing, the lights went off on stage. hahahah and we only got like half a standing ovation casue the audeince didn't have enough time to stand up before the lights went off. but ya know...i'd say that was pretty successful compared to the past experiences.
tomorrow we have our last Christmas performance for 8th graders during school. i'm hoping we will have no issues with this one. hahahahhaah yeah right.
new songs
i just bought new songs from itunes.
i thought i'd let you know.
you should feel special.
you're awesome.
kay bye.
i thought i'd let you know.
you should feel special.
you're awesome.
kay bye.
things that entertain me
Saturday, December 12, 2009
God Thinks Your Wonderful - Max Lucado
God is fond of you.
If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
If he had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, he’ll listen.
He can live anywhere in the universe, and he chose your heart.
Face it, friend, He is crazy about you.
By the way, it may be difficult for you to believe that God knows your name…but he does.
Written on his hand.
Spoken by his mouth.
Whispered by his lips.
Your name.
“I have written your name on my hand.” Isaiah 49:16.
Our hearts are not large enough to contain the blessings that God wants to give.
So try this. The next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves your speechless, remain that way.
Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, “Do you like it? I did it just for you.”
If we give gifts to show our love, how much more would he?
He could have left the world flat and gray…but he didn’t.
He splashed orange in the sunrise
and cast the sky in blue.
And if you love to see geese as they gather, chances are you’ll see that too.
Did he have to make the squirrel’s tail furry?
Was he obliged to make the birds sing?
And the funny way that chickens scurry
or the majesty of thunder when it rings?
Why give a flower fragrance?
Why give food its taste?
Could it be he loves to see that look upon your face?
So promise me you’ll never forget that you aren’t an accident or an incident…you are a gift to the world,
a divine work of art, signed by God.
You were knit together
"You knit me together in my mother's womb" – Psalm 139:13.
You weren’t mass-produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product.
You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth
by the Master Crafts-man.
He thinks you are the best thing to come down the pike in quite a while.
Turn to the sidelines; that’s God cheering your run.
Look past the finish line; that’s God applauding your steps.
God is for you.
Had he a calendar, your birthday would be circled.
If he drove a car your name would be on his bumper.
If there’s a tree in heaven, he’s carved your name in the bark.
Maybe you don’t want to trouble God with your hurts.
But “he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7).
He is waiting for you, to embrace you whether you succeed or fail.
Your heavenly Father is very fond of you and only wants to share his love with you.
Untethered by time, God sees us all.
Vagabonds and ragamuffins all, he saw us before we were born and he loves what he sees.
Flooded by emotion, overcome by pride, the starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says,
“You are my child. I love you dearly.
I’m aware that someday you’ll turn from me and walk away.
But I want you to know, I’ve already provided a way back.”
You have captured the heart of God.
He cannot bear to live without you.God’s dream is to make you right with him.
And the path to the cross tells us exactly how far God will go to call us back
"It is not our love for God; it is God's love for us in sending his Son to be the way to take away our sins." -1 John 4:10
"Can anything make me stop loving you?” God asks.
“You wonder how long my love will last? Watch me speak your language, sleep on your earth, and feel your hurts.
Find your answer on a splintered cross, on a craggy hill.
That’s how much I love you.”
God does more than forgive our mistakes; he removes them! We simply have to take them to him. You can talk to God because God listens.
Let a tear appear on your cheek, and he is there to wipe it.
He has sent his angels to care for you, his Holy Spirit to dwell in you,
his church to encourage you, and his word to guide you.
As much as you want to see him, he wants to see you more.
If you want to touch God’s heart, use the name he loves to hear.
Call him “Father.”
He thinks you’re wonderful!
If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
If he had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, he’ll listen.
He can live anywhere in the universe, and he chose your heart.
Face it, friend, He is crazy about you.
By the way, it may be difficult for you to believe that God knows your name…but he does.
Written on his hand.
Spoken by his mouth.
Whispered by his lips.
Your name.
“I have written your name on my hand.” Isaiah 49:16.
Our hearts are not large enough to contain the blessings that God wants to give.
So try this. The next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves your speechless, remain that way.
Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, “Do you like it? I did it just for you.”
If we give gifts to show our love, how much more would he?
He could have left the world flat and gray…but he didn’t.
He splashed orange in the sunrise
and cast the sky in blue.
And if you love to see geese as they gather, chances are you’ll see that too.
Did he have to make the squirrel’s tail furry?
Was he obliged to make the birds sing?
And the funny way that chickens scurry
or the majesty of thunder when it rings?
Why give a flower fragrance?
Why give food its taste?
Could it be he loves to see that look upon your face?
So promise me you’ll never forget that you aren’t an accident or an incident…you are a gift to the world,
a divine work of art, signed by God.
You were knit together
"You knit me together in my mother's womb" – Psalm 139:13.
You weren’t mass-produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product.
You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth
by the Master Crafts-man.
He thinks you are the best thing to come down the pike in quite a while.
Turn to the sidelines; that’s God cheering your run.
Look past the finish line; that’s God applauding your steps.
God is for you.
Had he a calendar, your birthday would be circled.
If he drove a car your name would be on his bumper.
If there’s a tree in heaven, he’s carved your name in the bark.
Maybe you don’t want to trouble God with your hurts.
But “he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7).
He is waiting for you, to embrace you whether you succeed or fail.
Your heavenly Father is very fond of you and only wants to share his love with you.
Untethered by time, God sees us all.
Vagabonds and ragamuffins all, he saw us before we were born and he loves what he sees.
Flooded by emotion, overcome by pride, the starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says,
“You are my child. I love you dearly.
I’m aware that someday you’ll turn from me and walk away.
But I want you to know, I’ve already provided a way back.”
You have captured the heart of God.
He cannot bear to live without you.God’s dream is to make you right with him.
And the path to the cross tells us exactly how far God will go to call us back
"It is not our love for God; it is God's love for us in sending his Son to be the way to take away our sins." -1 John 4:10
"Can anything make me stop loving you?” God asks.
“You wonder how long my love will last? Watch me speak your language, sleep on your earth, and feel your hurts.
Find your answer on a splintered cross, on a craggy hill.
That’s how much I love you.”
God does more than forgive our mistakes; he removes them! We simply have to take them to him. You can talk to God because God listens.
Let a tear appear on your cheek, and he is there to wipe it.
He has sent his angels to care for you, his Holy Spirit to dwell in you,
his church to encourage you, and his word to guide you.
As much as you want to see him, he wants to see you more.
If you want to touch God’s heart, use the name he loves to hear.
Call him “Father.”
He thinks you’re wonderful!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Feed the Children!
So yesterday, for school, one of the freshman "houses", as they call it, was taking a feildtrip to Feed the Children to pack food, personal hygiene, and Avon boxes. FCA got to go with them, so even though i wasn't in that particular house, I'm apart of FCA, so I got to go! It was an awesome experience! Some thoughts I had throughout the day:
It made me really happy that my peers were going out and making a difference! 3 bus loads full of students went! A huge majority of them being ones i sit next to, across from, or behind in class! They may not even realize the kind of impact they are going to have on someone's life. I know many of them only went because it got them out of school for the day, but they still went, they still worked, and they made a differece! While I was packing the peas into each box, I couldn't help but pray for everyone who came on the feildtrip. I wanted them to realize what they were doing. I wanted them to see and understand what kind of an impact they were making! And I wanted them to see all of that and also see that they are having fun at the same time! Celia and I were talking while we were breaking down boxes (more of our conversation is to come in a post later. we had a pretty deep conversation right there!) and we decided that we caught a slight, little, slim glimpse of what the world would be like if everyone wanted to serve God, if everyone knew of his love, if everyone wanted to please him. Not many were complaining, everyone looked like they were having a good time, and we were making a difference! Overall, we packed over 3200 boxes of food and personal hygiene and Avon items! It was awesome!
It was a great experience and I'm so glad that I got an opportunity to serve with my peers and make an impact in other people's lives. (The missing school part was pretty cool too (: )
It made me really happy that my peers were going out and making a difference! 3 bus loads full of students went! A huge majority of them being ones i sit next to, across from, or behind in class! They may not even realize the kind of impact they are going to have on someone's life. I know many of them only went because it got them out of school for the day, but they still went, they still worked, and they made a differece! While I was packing the peas into each box, I couldn't help but pray for everyone who came on the feildtrip. I wanted them to realize what they were doing. I wanted them to see and understand what kind of an impact they were making! And I wanted them to see all of that and also see that they are having fun at the same time! Celia and I were talking while we were breaking down boxes (more of our conversation is to come in a post later. we had a pretty deep conversation right there!) and we decided that we caught a slight, little, slim glimpse of what the world would be like if everyone wanted to serve God, if everyone knew of his love, if everyone wanted to please him. Not many were complaining, everyone looked like they were having a good time, and we were making a difference! Overall, we packed over 3200 boxes of food and personal hygiene and Avon items! It was awesome!
It was a great experience and I'm so glad that I got an opportunity to serve with my peers and make an impact in other people's lives. (The missing school part was pretty cool too (: )
school stuff.,
the journey,
the things i love
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Good Reminder
I was looking through my journal from this past summer last night and I came across this entry and it was a good reminder for me of how awesome God's love is.
From August 6:
For great is your love, higher than the heavens. -Psalm 108:4
God's love is truely amazing. It's so hard to grasp the concept of how great God's love really is. He loves us all enough to sacrifice his only son, so have all our sins forgiven and life eternally. He didn't do it for him, he did it for us. Jesus didn't just feel like dying on the cross, he did it because he loves us. God's love for us never cahnges and he loves everyone the same. Nothing you do can make God love you less, because his love is unconditional. And nothing you do can make God love you more, because he already loves us as much as possible. He loves you for you. His love is so awesome! I am so thankful that I worship a God that loves me for me, a God that shows his love for me.
Now my question is, how can I love God the same way he loves me? All the love I can give is no where near the greatness of God's love. Even if my love doesn't measure up to his, I should still give him my all. Sometimes it seems like nothing I give is good enough. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm good enough. Sometimes I just can't see how my God, who is so big, powerful, and awesome, would want someone like me, who is so small and imperfect. But none of that is true. God wants all I can give. It's enough. He loves me and I am good enough for him. And even though I may not see how God could possibly want me, he does. I can show my love for God through my actions, by obeying him, by serving him, by worshiping him and only him, by telling others about him, by loving my neighbors as myself. I want to love God with my whole heart. I want a heart that beats hard for him.
When I read that I was once again reminded of God's love. It's a good thing to be reminded of how much he loves us no matter what we do becasue it's easy to make yourself believe that God will love you less if you do this or that. At Renewal this past weekend I was once again reminded of God's love. I don't need to earn God's love.
His love endures forever -Psalm 136:26
Greater love has no one than this -John 15:13
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life -John 3:16
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins -1 John 4:9-10
From August 6:
For great is your love, higher than the heavens. -Psalm 108:4
God's love is truely amazing. It's so hard to grasp the concept of how great God's love really is. He loves us all enough to sacrifice his only son, so have all our sins forgiven and life eternally. He didn't do it for him, he did it for us. Jesus didn't just feel like dying on the cross, he did it because he loves us. God's love for us never cahnges and he loves everyone the same. Nothing you do can make God love you less, because his love is unconditional. And nothing you do can make God love you more, because he already loves us as much as possible. He loves you for you. His love is so awesome! I am so thankful that I worship a God that loves me for me, a God that shows his love for me.
Now my question is, how can I love God the same way he loves me? All the love I can give is no where near the greatness of God's love. Even if my love doesn't measure up to his, I should still give him my all. Sometimes it seems like nothing I give is good enough. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm good enough. Sometimes I just can't see how my God, who is so big, powerful, and awesome, would want someone like me, who is so small and imperfect. But none of that is true. God wants all I can give. It's enough. He loves me and I am good enough for him. And even though I may not see how God could possibly want me, he does. I can show my love for God through my actions, by obeying him, by serving him, by worshiping him and only him, by telling others about him, by loving my neighbors as myself. I want to love God with my whole heart. I want a heart that beats hard for him.
When I read that I was once again reminded of God's love. It's a good thing to be reminded of how much he loves us no matter what we do becasue it's easy to make yourself believe that God will love you less if you do this or that. At Renewal this past weekend I was once again reminded of God's love. I don't need to earn God's love.
His love endures forever -Psalm 136:26
Greater love has no one than this -John 15:13
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life -John 3:16
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins -1 John 4:9-10
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
it is currently about 43 hours away. that's less then 2 days. OH MY! i'm excited, i'm pumped, i'm ready...its gonna be crrraaazzzy!
please, please, please pray for the leaders, the staff, the students, for the whole weekend! i'm going to be praying like crazzzy for the next 43 hours! God will show up and he is going to work in sooo many hearts! this weekend is going to be such a turning point in a lot of students hearts. WE ARE GOING TO POUR GAS ON THEIR FIRE! they will be burning with such a passion and its going to be awesome!
hummina hummina hummina
i'm excited!
it is currently about 43 hours away. that's less then 2 days. OH MY! i'm excited, i'm pumped, i'm ready...its gonna be crrraaazzzy!
please, please, please pray for the leaders, the staff, the students, for the whole weekend! i'm going to be praying like crazzzy for the next 43 hours! God will show up and he is going to work in sooo many hearts! this weekend is going to be such a turning point in a lot of students hearts. WE ARE GOING TO POUR GAS ON THEIR FIRE! they will be burning with such a passion and its going to be awesome!
hummina hummina hummina
i'm excited!
the journey,
the things i love
Monday, November 9, 2009
new favorite website: www.mylifeisaverage.com
i sat at my computer reading these for over an hour, laughing to myself. i know, i need a life...here are some of my favorites (:
Today I tried number 153 of 333 ways to be kicked out of Wal-Mart. It said to scream in pain until someone comes along and asks what's wrong then act as if nothing happened. I live where there are no wal-marts so I went to Woolworth's and tried it. As my head was in my hands and I was screaming someone came up behind me and said 'This isn't wal-mart.' Patted my shoulder and walked away. Touche. MLIA
Today I was at work when "Circle of Life" from the Lion King. I started to dramaticly sing along when a woman with her baby came in. She looked at me then raised her baby like Simba. Guess who got 50% off her purchase? MLIA
Today during Religious Education at school I told my teacher I didn't believe in God because I prayed for almost a whole year that I would get a bike last Christmas, and did not get a bike. He replied "Silly boy, your doing it wrong. You don't ask for a bike, you steal one then ask for forgiveness." Hello new favourite teacher. MLIA
Today in chemistry we had a lock down. My elderly teacher immediatly began rummaging in a drawer for something. She pulled out 24 hammers and handing one to each of us said, "I don't know about you guys but I'm not going down without a fight." My school feels safer. MLIA
Today, I was called to the main office. They said I had a family emergency and that I was given permission to go home by my mother. When I got home, I called her right away to see what was going on. She told me she forgot to harvest her strawberries on Farmville and she wants me to harvest them before they die. I was too late. MLIA.
Today, my English teacher told us we had to write an essay on what we wanted to be when we were little. Most of the girls wrote Princesses,and most of the boys wrote race-car drivers. I was looking through my diary when I was 6...apparently I wanted to marry Big Bird, raise an army of mutant gummy worms, and take over Candyland. I got 100% and a Pokèmon sticker. MLIA
Today, I went chainsaw shopping with my dad. We were looking at electric ones, but my dad complained about how he can't go on a murderous rampage while attached to a wall. The looks on the surrounding customers made my day. I love my dad. MLIA
Today, I bought a fancy new black SUV Hummer. When I went to pick up my son from school, I put on a black suit, dark shades, and my blue-tooth earpiece. I waltzed into his last period class 10 minutes before it was over, and announced "Agent 03, It's time to go" At which point he nodded and packed his belongings and ran out. The face on his teacher was priceless. I hope my boss understands why I had to miss work. MLIA.
these made me laugh. (: i love how easily amused i am
i sat at my computer reading these for over an hour, laughing to myself. i know, i need a life...here are some of my favorites (:
Today I tried number 153 of 333 ways to be kicked out of Wal-Mart. It said to scream in pain until someone comes along and asks what's wrong then act as if nothing happened. I live where there are no wal-marts so I went to Woolworth's and tried it. As my head was in my hands and I was screaming someone came up behind me and said 'This isn't wal-mart.' Patted my shoulder and walked away. Touche. MLIA
Today I was at work when "Circle of Life" from the Lion King. I started to dramaticly sing along when a woman with her baby came in. She looked at me then raised her baby like Simba. Guess who got 50% off her purchase? MLIA
Today during Religious Education at school I told my teacher I didn't believe in God because I prayed for almost a whole year that I would get a bike last Christmas, and did not get a bike. He replied "Silly boy, your doing it wrong. You don't ask for a bike, you steal one then ask for forgiveness." Hello new favourite teacher. MLIA
Today in chemistry we had a lock down. My elderly teacher immediatly began rummaging in a drawer for something. She pulled out 24 hammers and handing one to each of us said, "I don't know about you guys but I'm not going down without a fight." My school feels safer. MLIA
Today, I was called to the main office. They said I had a family emergency and that I was given permission to go home by my mother. When I got home, I called her right away to see what was going on. She told me she forgot to harvest her strawberries on Farmville and she wants me to harvest them before they die. I was too late. MLIA.
Today, my English teacher told us we had to write an essay on what we wanted to be when we were little. Most of the girls wrote Princesses,and most of the boys wrote race-car drivers. I was looking through my diary when I was 6...apparently I wanted to marry Big Bird, raise an army of mutant gummy worms, and take over Candyland. I got 100% and a Pokèmon sticker. MLIA
Today, I went chainsaw shopping with my dad. We were looking at electric ones, but my dad complained about how he can't go on a murderous rampage while attached to a wall. The looks on the surrounding customers made my day. I love my dad. MLIA
Today, I bought a fancy new black SUV Hummer. When I went to pick up my son from school, I put on a black suit, dark shades, and my blue-tooth earpiece. I waltzed into his last period class 10 minutes before it was over, and announced "Agent 03, It's time to go" At which point he nodded and packed his belongings and ran out. The face on his teacher was priceless. I hope my boss understands why I had to miss work. MLIA.
these made me laugh. (: i love how easily amused i am
in depression mode because i miss camp greatly day!
soooo today is a day that comes around about 4 or 5 times a year. It's called "in depression mode because i miss camp greatly day" yeah. It's a bittersweet day. So since i declared today one of those days...this is what i did: i woke up to a camp song (Follow the Son) on purpose, i wore my camp shirt to school, i wore my camp head band, my camp flip flops, i chewed camp gum, in study hall and on the bus ride home i listened to camp songs and ONLY camp songs, in gym, celia and i sang camp songs so we could get them stuck in our head, it was successful because i had different camp songs stuck in my head all day (: and then when i got home, i listened to more camp songs, i looked at camp pictures, i watched all three of my camp videos, and before i go to bed, i'm going to read all of my camp journals. this is what i do on days when i miss camp.
camp adventure is seriously my favorite place on earth. it is amazing and awesome and great and wonderful and fun and hyper and crazy and wow and sha zam and sooo much more! i love it! and i love everyone there, and everything about it and everything that happens there and i rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaalllllly wish it was july (or june) so i could go RIGHT NOW.
okay, now that i have wrote this...it is time for me to do more dreaming about good ole camp.
camp. camp. camp. campcampcamp. campide camp camp. cammmmp. cammmmmp p p. okay i'm done (:
camp adventure is seriously my favorite place on earth. it is amazing and awesome and great and wonderful and fun and hyper and crazy and wow and sha zam and sooo much more! i love it! and i love everyone there, and everything about it and everything that happens there and i rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaalllllly wish it was july (or june) so i could go RIGHT NOW.
okay, now that i have wrote this...it is time for me to do more dreaming about good ole camp.
camp. camp. camp. campcampcamp. campide camp camp. cammmmp. cammmmmp p p. okay i'm done (:
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What is Love?
This is what my friends and I do in our spare time...
be jealous.
be jealous.
things that entertain me,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Be Faithful In the Small Things...
A few days ago, I lost my phone at school. Or so I thought... I haven't even had my phone for a month now, so its still pretty new. I had it in my sweatshirt pocket as I was walking out to where my mom was picking me up after school. Once I got into the car, I went to get my phone to see if I had any new texts. But it wasn't in my pocket. It wasn't in any of my pockets. I wasn't in my backpack, it wasn't anywhere in the car, and I guess you could say I was pretty much freaking out.
I knew I had just recently dropped it because I had it after 4th block. My mom told me to go retrace my steps so I got out of the car and started walking back into the school. To be honest, I had very, very, very little faith I would find it. Seriously, if I dropped it in the hall, only about 600 people walk in that hall after me. I didn't know what I would do if I couldn't find it. The whole time all I could think about was how mad my parents where going to be, how I would probably never get a phone again as long as I live under their roof, and how irresponisble I was. But somehow, inbetween all those negative thoughts, something inside of me told me to pray, and pray hard. So I did. But I didn't just pray, I pleaded. I begged God to please, please, plllllease help me find my phone. (Now I know I may seem a little obsessed with my phone, but trust me going almost 15 years without one while almost everyone around you has one will make you appreciate a cell phone that much more.) My hope was so small and weak. I was actually planning out what I would do when I got home. I was going to call my phone, hope someone would pick up, and nicely demand that they give me my phone back. I was estimating how long I would be grounded from it if I got it back. I was even sad and disappointed in myself.
After I had retraced all my steps and searched in ever possible place, I started walking back to the car, phoneless. I was still praying that God would somehow let it all work out. I kept telling myself it happened for a reason. As I was walking back to the car, my hope in finding my phone was so small, it was almost gone. I was about 5 steps away from the car, when right there, lying in the grass, was my beloved phone. I was prrrrettttty happy. And extremely thankful! God deffinently came through for me. Not once did I ever doubt or question him. I had little faith that I would find my phone, but that didn't hinder my thoughts about how this was all apart of God's plan for me and somehow, I would make it through. (Once again, this may sound a little extravagent...but keep reading and you'll see the bigger picture). God came through for me because I didn't doubt and I continued praising him even when my faith was almost gone. This situation is small compared to what is to come in my life, but now that I've saw how God will pull through if I remain strong in him. If I don't doubt his plans for me and I continue giving him praise and glory all my days, he will not let me down. He will carry me through. I pray that I will have the same trust and faith in him in the bigger situations.
I knew I had just recently dropped it because I had it after 4th block. My mom told me to go retrace my steps so I got out of the car and started walking back into the school. To be honest, I had very, very, very little faith I would find it. Seriously, if I dropped it in the hall, only about 600 people walk in that hall after me. I didn't know what I would do if I couldn't find it. The whole time all I could think about was how mad my parents where going to be, how I would probably never get a phone again as long as I live under their roof, and how irresponisble I was. But somehow, inbetween all those negative thoughts, something inside of me told me to pray, and pray hard. So I did. But I didn't just pray, I pleaded. I begged God to please, please, plllllease help me find my phone. (Now I know I may seem a little obsessed with my phone, but trust me going almost 15 years without one while almost everyone around you has one will make you appreciate a cell phone that much more.) My hope was so small and weak. I was actually planning out what I would do when I got home. I was going to call my phone, hope someone would pick up, and nicely demand that they give me my phone back. I was estimating how long I would be grounded from it if I got it back. I was even sad and disappointed in myself.
After I had retraced all my steps and searched in ever possible place, I started walking back to the car, phoneless. I was still praying that God would somehow let it all work out. I kept telling myself it happened for a reason. As I was walking back to the car, my hope in finding my phone was so small, it was almost gone. I was about 5 steps away from the car, when right there, lying in the grass, was my beloved phone. I was prrrrettttty happy. And extremely thankful! God deffinently came through for me. Not once did I ever doubt or question him. I had little faith that I would find my phone, but that didn't hinder my thoughts about how this was all apart of God's plan for me and somehow, I would make it through. (Once again, this may sound a little extravagent...but keep reading and you'll see the bigger picture). God came through for me because I didn't doubt and I continued praising him even when my faith was almost gone. This situation is small compared to what is to come in my life, but now that I've saw how God will pull through if I remain strong in him. If I don't doubt his plans for me and I continue giving him praise and glory all my days, he will not let me down. He will carry me through. I pray that I will have the same trust and faith in him in the bigger situations.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
So today during geography, I was thinking about eternity. As believers in Christ we will spend eternity in heaven. Eternity...eternity...eternity. WOW. That's like forever. What the hey are we gonna do in heaven for eternity??!! seriously! For some reason when I was thinking about eternity in school, of all places, it hit me like never before how long eternity is. Its uncomprehensible! And for some reason it kind of scared me. Forever. and ever. and ever. Its soooo...I don't even know a word to describe it! I can't even wrap my mind around it. It's amazing.
Well...there's my random thought of the day!
Well...there's my random thought of the day!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Everything Costs Something...Some Things Cost Everything
I just finished a very good book given to me by my dear friend Jordan (: called "And the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh. One of my favorite chapters in the book talks about the cost of pursuing God, knowing God, and loving God with our whole heart, mind, body, and spirit. To fully pursue, know, and love God, it will cost you a total of..............(drum roll please)....dunnadunnadunnadunna...............everything.
In her book, Dannah talks about Matthew 13:45-46, "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." We don't really understand the true value of a pearl because of the culture we live in today. Jesus lived in a culture that knew their true value. Back then, the only way to find a pearl was to dive into the ocean and find thousands of mollusks, just to find one pearl! And that peal may or may not be of great value. We still can't appreciate the real value though because of the technology filled world we live in. Think of how hard it would be to dive into and ocean and collect thousands of mollusks WITHOUT any technology. Yeah, not fun. A valueable pearl was rare. So rare and valueable that a man would have to sell all he had - his land, his livestock, his servants, even his home - just to buy this one pearl!
So the question I ask my self and the question I ask you is, Are you willing to sell everything you have for one valueable pearl? Knowing that God is our pearl. Knowing him fully is our pearl. Understanding his love, grace, and mercy is our pearl.
There is a pearl of great price. We are to seek it. We are commanded to purchase it. It costs everything. It is worth the price.
In her book, Dannah talks about Matthew 13:45-46, "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." We don't really understand the true value of a pearl because of the culture we live in today. Jesus lived in a culture that knew their true value. Back then, the only way to find a pearl was to dive into the ocean and find thousands of mollusks, just to find one pearl! And that peal may or may not be of great value. We still can't appreciate the real value though because of the technology filled world we live in. Think of how hard it would be to dive into and ocean and collect thousands of mollusks WITHOUT any technology. Yeah, not fun. A valueable pearl was rare. So rare and valueable that a man would have to sell all he had - his land, his livestock, his servants, even his home - just to buy this one pearl!
So the question I ask my self and the question I ask you is, Are you willing to sell everything you have for one valueable pearl? Knowing that God is our pearl. Knowing him fully is our pearl. Understanding his love, grace, and mercy is our pearl.
There is a pearl of great price. We are to seek it. We are commanded to purchase it. It costs everything. It is worth the price.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Youth Ministarz (:
The story behind jordan, celia, olivia, and i making this ammaaazing video (:
We saw it on DC Curry's blog (one of our youth ministers) We thought it was hilarious sooooo we decided to make our own and then show it to our youth ministers Johnny Keim and DC Curry. They are awesome! (:
by the way: jordan has chocolate pudding on her in the beginning...but then it started to dry and it hurt so we had to take it off. hahahaha
here's a link to the original video if you would like to compare how much better ours is (: hahahahahahaha
We saw it on DC Curry's blog (one of our youth ministers) We thought it was hilarious sooooo we decided to make our own and then show it to our youth ministers Johnny Keim and DC Curry. They are awesome! (:
by the way: jordan has chocolate pudding on her in the beginning...but then it started to dry and it hurt so we had to take it off. hahahaha
here's a link to the original video if you would like to compare how much better ours is (: hahahahahahaha
things that entertain me,
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wings like Eagles
At GSM a few weeks ago we sang "Everlasting God". I really like that song. The lyrics are so true; my God is the everlasting God. He doesn't faint or grow weary, he defends the weak and gives comfort to those who need it. But one part of the song go me thinking; "You lift us up on wings like eagles." That is no doubt a similie because how in the world are we lifted up on wings like eagles? What does that mean? Why an eagle? Why not have the speed of a lepard or something? I honestly did not see how eagles fit into the whole song, so I decided to do a little research about eagles and what I found out suprised and inspired me.
It turns out, we can spiritually connect with an eagle. Not by like having a little small group devotion with eagles, but we can learn from their actions. Eagles know when a storm is approaching long before it even breaks. So they fly to a high point in the sky and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets it's wings so that the winds will pick it up and lift the eagle above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above. Isn't that interesting? Unlike most animals that would hide and try to escape the storm, eagles fly into the storm and they use it to lift themselves higher. We can learn from the eagles behavior. When the storms of life come, we shouldn't hide, we need to be so confident in whom we serve, that nothing can cause us to hide or hinder us from seeking shelter in God. He can lift us above the storm if we set our mind and heart on Him. He can give us strength. We can rise up to safety. The damage the storm leaves will still be there, but the peace and love of God's presence will cause us to see it in a different way. The storms of life can actually help us in our walk of faith. This is because they build something in us that will be apart of our lives forever. We can learn from trails, and grow from the experience.
Rise up and face the storms of life head on like an eagle. God has given us the strengh. We were born to fly.
"The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40: 28-31
It turns out, we can spiritually connect with an eagle. Not by like having a little small group devotion with eagles, but we can learn from their actions. Eagles know when a storm is approaching long before it even breaks. So they fly to a high point in the sky and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets it's wings so that the winds will pick it up and lift the eagle above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above. Isn't that interesting? Unlike most animals that would hide and try to escape the storm, eagles fly into the storm and they use it to lift themselves higher. We can learn from the eagles behavior. When the storms of life come, we shouldn't hide, we need to be so confident in whom we serve, that nothing can cause us to hide or hinder us from seeking shelter in God. He can lift us above the storm if we set our mind and heart on Him. He can give us strength. We can rise up to safety. The damage the storm leaves will still be there, but the peace and love of God's presence will cause us to see it in a different way. The storms of life can actually help us in our walk of faith. This is because they build something in us that will be apart of our lives forever. We can learn from trails, and grow from the experience.
Rise up and face the storms of life head on like an eagle. God has given us the strengh. We were born to fly.
"The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40: 28-31
Saturday, September 19, 2009

A week ago today, I got to experience one of the most amazing things ever; I got to see my sister, Megan, and my mom get baptized! Neither on e of them were planning on getting baptized when we walked into church, but during the service, my mom decided that it was time for her to take her next step. Then, right before my mom got into the pool to get baptized, Meg decided she wanted to get baptized too! I was so excited for both of them!! Two of the people I love the most got to take their next step together...amazing! I love them both sooo much and I am so proud of them! God has amazing things planned for them and I am so glad that I will be there with them to see what he has in store.
Not only did I get to see my mom and Megan publicly proclaim their love for Jesus and their desire to follow him, but I also got to see so many other believers do the same thing! I am so thankful that I am able to go to a church where I can see how God works in so many peoples lives. "Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city" -God of This City, Bluetree
"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." Galatians 3:26-27
the journey,
the things i love,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Some Random Thoughts...
First of all: I have great friends. They make me laugh...A LOT! and i am verrry thankful for them.
Next, my mom and my sister got babtized on Saturday! (: I am sooo super proud of them! (I'll blog about it later after cough...cough...jordan...cough...sends me pictures (: )
Also, I love my church...a lot. it's awesome.
Another: school is actually kind of fun this year! haha i can't believe i actually just said that...but it's true! I think its just still the whole "new, bigger school thing" but i'm enjoying it! and i love how many things there are to do! I FEEL LIKE I HAVE A LIFE AGAIN! (: hahaha because in the summer...church is pretty much my life. i count down the days until i go there next...haha but now i can have more then that to look forward to!! whooo!
some things i have recently realized at GSM...
every single week, jordan, olivia, and i find a new middle schooler to sit with at GSM, and every single week, after worship, the middle schooler seems to disappear. we aren't really sure where they go, or why they moved, all we know is that they did not come back to sit with us. So if there is something wrong with us...please tell us! hahahaha EVERY SINGLE TIME! 3 weeks in a row! awkward!
alsoo: for the past 3 weeks at GSM (also the first 3 weeks of GSM) good ole DC Curry has found someway to talk about poop. in both middle school and high school. he has found some way to put it in whatever he is talking about. Now, if i was a 6th grader, coming into GSM for the first time, i think that i miiight just be a tad bit creeped out by this. But, I'm a freshman, and i know DC, and this really isn't that unusual. hahaha although it is kind of wierd that he has talked about poop the past 3 weeks (probably without him realizing it) it doesn't really suprise me that he talks about poop so openly. We are all one big family, right?! poop. poop. poop. poop.
more random thoughtsss: christmas is only 102 days away!!!
one last thought: i have been really lazy with making the correct letters capital on this post. its just too much work for a monday! just be happy that i shared all of these thoughts with you! because i didn't have to! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME???!!!
(oh yeah..i'm uhh kinda hyper right now. soo umm i think i better go do something calming so i can go to bed and not be tired all day tomorrow. that would not be good...not good at all!)
sooo now that you have been inside my head for a while...goodnight! (or good...morning/afternoon/evening)
Next, my mom and my sister got babtized on Saturday! (: I am sooo super proud of them! (I'll blog about it later after cough...cough...jordan...cough...sends me pictures (: )
Also, I love my church...a lot. it's awesome.
Another: school is actually kind of fun this year! haha i can't believe i actually just said that...but it's true! I think its just still the whole "new, bigger school thing" but i'm enjoying it! and i love how many things there are to do! I FEEL LIKE I HAVE A LIFE AGAIN! (: hahaha because in the summer...church is pretty much my life. i count down the days until i go there next...haha but now i can have more then that to look forward to!! whooo!
some things i have recently realized at GSM...
every single week, jordan, olivia, and i find a new middle schooler to sit with at GSM, and every single week, after worship, the middle schooler seems to disappear. we aren't really sure where they go, or why they moved, all we know is that they did not come back to sit with us. So if there is something wrong with us...please tell us! hahahaha EVERY SINGLE TIME! 3 weeks in a row! awkward!
alsoo: for the past 3 weeks at GSM (also the first 3 weeks of GSM) good ole DC Curry has found someway to talk about poop. in both middle school and high school. he has found some way to put it in whatever he is talking about. Now, if i was a 6th grader, coming into GSM for the first time, i think that i miiight just be a tad bit creeped out by this. But, I'm a freshman, and i know DC, and this really isn't that unusual. hahaha although it is kind of wierd that he has talked about poop the past 3 weeks (probably without him realizing it) it doesn't really suprise me that he talks about poop so openly. We are all one big family, right?! poop. poop. poop. poop.
more random thoughtsss: christmas is only 102 days away!!!
one last thought: i have been really lazy with making the correct letters capital on this post. its just too much work for a monday! just be happy that i shared all of these thoughts with you! because i didn't have to! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME???!!!
(oh yeah..i'm uhh kinda hyper right now. soo umm i think i better go do something calming so i can go to bed and not be tired all day tomorrow. that would not be good...not good at all!)
sooo now that you have been inside my head for a while...goodnight! (or good...morning/afternoon/evening)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"What Do I Know of Holy?"
I love, love, love this song by Addison Road. Ya know when you hear a song and it catches your attention and you can't help but stop whatever you're doing and listen? Well that's exactly what happened to me when I heard this song. And since I'm a visual learner, I later looked up the lyrics and the they really got to me. Here is the song with lyrics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6J5TzSE_18.
There are parts that really stuck out to me and caused these thoughts to come to mind.
"I tried to hear from heaven, but I spoke the whole time". Listening for God is not an easy thing to do. But he may be screaming at us, and we don't realize it because we are too caught up in our own words and actions. We need to be still and listen. Take time out of your day to listen for God and hear what he is telling you. Talk less, listen more. Once I did that, I felt God sooo near to me! It was amazing!
Also, "I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about how You were might to save, those were only empty words on a page". Many people know at least a few stories from the Bible, we know the right things to say when we pray, we sing the words to the worship songs at church, but does it come from our heart? Can we actually relate those stories to our life today? Can we take them and learn more about Jesus Christ? Do our prayers come from our heart? Or just from what we know we should pray about and should pray for? When I sing the words "take it all" at church, do I really mean those words? Am I really telling God to take back my life? Or are they just words I sing? I want those words to come from my heart! I want to mean them! And most of the time I do mean them. They do come from my heart.
And finally, the chorus..."What do I know of you who spoke me into motion? Where have I even stood, but the shore along Your ocean? Are You fire? Are You fury? Are You sacred? Are You beautiful? What do I know? What do I know of Holy?" What do I know about God? How much, or how little, do I know about the One that gave me life? The lyrics made me realize how big of a desire I have to know everything I can about Him. I want to have a greater relationship with my God, I am hungry for Him. He knows everything about me; how many hairs are on my head, every secret, my future...
Father, let me be still and listen for you. Give me the ears to hear you. Let the words I sing come from my heart. Lord, I want to learn everything I can about you. You are so much bigger then I can fathom. Give me wisdom. I want to understand you. Teach me about you.
There are parts that really stuck out to me and caused these thoughts to come to mind.
"I tried to hear from heaven, but I spoke the whole time". Listening for God is not an easy thing to do. But he may be screaming at us, and we don't realize it because we are too caught up in our own words and actions. We need to be still and listen. Take time out of your day to listen for God and hear what he is telling you. Talk less, listen more. Once I did that, I felt God sooo near to me! It was amazing!
Also, "I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about how You were might to save, those were only empty words on a page". Many people know at least a few stories from the Bible, we know the right things to say when we pray, we sing the words to the worship songs at church, but does it come from our heart? Can we actually relate those stories to our life today? Can we take them and learn more about Jesus Christ? Do our prayers come from our heart? Or just from what we know we should pray about and should pray for? When I sing the words "take it all" at church, do I really mean those words? Am I really telling God to take back my life? Or are they just words I sing? I want those words to come from my heart! I want to mean them! And most of the time I do mean them. They do come from my heart.
And finally, the chorus..."What do I know of you who spoke me into motion? Where have I even stood, but the shore along Your ocean? Are You fire? Are You fury? Are You sacred? Are You beautiful? What do I know? What do I know of Holy?" What do I know about God? How much, or how little, do I know about the One that gave me life? The lyrics made me realize how big of a desire I have to know everything I can about Him. I want to have a greater relationship with my God, I am hungry for Him. He knows everything about me; how many hairs are on my head, every secret, my future...
Father, let me be still and listen for you. Give me the ears to hear you. Let the words I sing come from my heart. Lord, I want to learn everything I can about you. You are so much bigger then I can fathom. Give me wisdom. I want to understand you. Teach me about you.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"I'm Gonna Live For Today"
As I pray each night, one of the first things I say is thanking God for that day. Each day is a gift from God. He chose to give us another day to spend time with the ones we love, learn about ourselves, help others, grow closer to God, bring His kingdom to earth, the list goes on and on. There is so much I can learn everyday. There is so much I can do! And because there is so much to do and keep us busy throughout the day, it is easy to overlook days of our lives. One thing I am learning to do is to not take a single day for granted. So many people live for the future, but really, we should live for today and focus on what we can do today, because as far as we know, today is our last day on earth. Of course we need to prepare for the future, but we shouldn't have to motivate ourselves to get through today so we can get to the future. Only God knows the fate of our future and when our last day on earth will be. So live everyday to the fullest, do everything you can to enjoy the day, try your hardest to make someone else's day, make the best of every situation, love everyone around you, be on fire for God, and shine His light everywhere you go. I know that God has everyday planned out already, so I need to appreciate that day and thank him for it. Even though I may get caught up in all my activities, as I pray each night, I realize how awesome it is that I got to live another day on earth, praising God and bringing up there, down here. Everyday is a gift from God. (:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A friend loves at all times -Proverbs 17:17

horrible picture...sorry guys! we need a better one!
friend [frend] noun
1. a person attached to another by feelins of affection or personal regaurd
2. a person who gives assistance
True friends are hard to find. It took me 12 years to find a group of 3 girls that I consider my best friends. They are wild, crazy, amazing, fun, awkward (:, AWESOME! I love them so much! These amazing girls are Jordan, Celia, and Olivia. It took me up until this past year to realize just how much they mean to me and how much I need them. They are amazing. I can tell them anything and everything and I know they won't judge me. I know they will always be there for me and I can come to them with any problems I am having in my life. They give me another perspective and they also give some of the BEST advice! I can share stories of my life with them and not feel like I'm being judged. Without them, I would not be who I am today. Most importantly, my friendship with each one of them has bround me closer to Christ in so many ways. That is something I will value for the rest of my life. These girls inspire me everyday. I look up to each one of them. They are amazing and I thank God everyday for putting them in my life.
Jordan, Celia, and Olivia:
You guys are amazing women of God. Thank you for all you do for me and for His kingdom. He has great things planned out for each one of you and I hope that I will be there to see His plans for your life unfold. I love you girls with all of my heart! I will ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what! Our high school years mayb be some of the toughest years we go through, but we have each other. I am so excited to see what God has planned for our friendship! (:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I'm Diving Into the Blog World...
Heylo! (: (that's hey and hello combined for those of you who have not figured it out)
sooo...i got a blog! (obiviously) yay!
and before i say anything else...i'm going to confess...that i am a blog stalker. (: hahaha if you have a blog, i've probably read it! hahaha sooo now i'm going to join you bloggers so my fellow blog stalkers can add another blog to their stalking list!
reasons why i wanted a blog...hmmm...wellll i rrrreallly like to talk, but sometimes my thoughts come out better as words. so i figured this would be a fun way to let the world know what i'm thinking! and i'll share stories of things happening in my life, which can get prrretty interesting at times and at other times...its quite boring. and i will also post completely random thoughts that pop into my head! just a forewarning...that happens often. like for instance: i just realized i've been using this thing .... whatever its called, a lot on this post. so maybe its time to wrap it up. sooo if you want to become my official blog stalker: read on! (:
sooo...i got a blog! (obiviously) yay!
and before i say anything else...i'm going to confess...that i am a blog stalker. (: hahaha if you have a blog, i've probably read it! hahaha sooo now i'm going to join you bloggers so my fellow blog stalkers can add another blog to their stalking list!
reasons why i wanted a blog...hmmm...wellll i rrrreallly like to talk, but sometimes my thoughts come out better as words. so i figured this would be a fun way to let the world know what i'm thinking! and i'll share stories of things happening in my life, which can get prrretty interesting at times and at other times...its quite boring. and i will also post completely random thoughts that pop into my head! just a forewarning...that happens often. like for instance: i just realized i've been using this thing .... whatever its called, a lot on this post. so maybe its time to wrap it up. sooo if you want to become my official blog stalker: read on! (:
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