Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Eyes That See

In today's culture, it seems like everyone is constantly on the move to get everything they can crammed into a 24-hour day. With everyone always on the go and always looking out for their best interests, who has time to stop and talk to people? (oh wait, i forgot about cell phones, and facebook, and twitter, and skype...) But seriously! There are people who feel unnoticed simply because no one has the time to stop and talk to them. I go to Penn, a school with over 3,000 kids in attendence. It is so easy to go through an entire school day unnoticed. Going unnoticed may cause one to feel unloved, not good enough, ect. Imagine Jesus at Penn. Do you think he would just keep walking through the halls, sitting in his classes, acting like nothing is wrong? I sure dont. I think that he would be doing something about it! He DID do something about it, two thousand years ago. Jesus saw people. He didn't just see them on the surface, he saw them on the inside. He saw who they were. He took the time to stop and talk to them. He got to know them. Now, take that back to today, at Penn, or wherever you are. See that girl at lunch sitting by herself? She deserves to know God's love. She deserves to be seen. See that guy without a partner in Spanish? He is a child of God. He deserves to be seen. Talk to them. Call them by name. Get to know them. Ask them about their day. It may not seem like a big deal to me or you, but to them, it could make all the difference. It could make their day, just to be noticed for once. We don't know what other people are going through until we get to know them.

Jesus was on a mission to save the world. He chose to die on the cross. We are on the same mission. We must choose to die to ourselves.


Megan Stevens said...

Holy Snap, girl! You blow me away. Beautifully written! And incredibly inspirational! :) Love your heart and passion! You rock my socks!

DC Curry said...