I just finished a very good book given to me by my dear friend Jordan (: called "And the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh. One of my favorite chapters in the book talks about the cost of pursuing God, knowing God, and loving God with our whole heart, mind, body, and spirit. To fully pursue, know, and love God, it will cost you a total of..............(drum roll please)....dunnadunnadunnadunna...............everything.
In her book, Dannah talks about Matthew 13:45-46, "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." We don't really understand the true value of a pearl because of the culture we live in today. Jesus lived in a culture that knew their true value. Back then, the only way to find a pearl was to dive into the ocean and find thousands of mollusks, just to find one pearl! And that peal may or may not be of great value. We still can't appreciate the real value though because of the technology filled world we live in. Think of how hard it would be to dive into and ocean and collect thousands of mollusks WITHOUT any technology. Yeah, not fun. A valueable pearl was rare. So rare and valueable that a man would have to sell all he had - his land, his livestock, his servants, even his home - just to buy this one pearl!
So the question I ask my self and the question I ask you is, Are you willing to sell everything you have for one valueable pearl? Knowing that God is our pearl. Knowing him fully is our pearl. Understanding his love, grace, and mercy is our pearl.
There is a pearl of great price. We are to seek it. We are commanded to purchase it. It costs everything. It is worth the price.
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