Thursday, September 10, 2009

"What Do I Know of Holy?"

I love, love, love this song by Addison Road. Ya know when you hear a song and it catches your attention and you can't help but stop whatever you're doing and listen? Well that's exactly what happened to me when I heard this song. And since I'm a visual learner, I later looked up the lyrics and the they really got to me. Here is the song with lyrics:

There are parts that really stuck out to me and caused these thoughts to come to mind.
"I tried to hear from heaven, but I spoke the whole time". Listening for God is not an easy thing to do. But he may be screaming at us, and we don't realize it because we are too caught up in our own words and actions. We need to be still and listen. Take time out of your day to listen for God and hear what he is telling you. Talk less, listen more. Once I did that, I felt God sooo near to me! It was amazing!

Also, "I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about how You were might to save, those were only empty words on a page". Many people know at least a few stories from the Bible, we know the right things to say when we pray, we sing the words to the worship songs at church, but does it come from our heart? Can we actually relate those stories to our life today? Can we take them and learn more about Jesus Christ? Do our prayers come from our heart? Or just from what we know we should pray about and should pray for? When I sing the words "take it all" at church, do I really mean those words? Am I really telling God to take back my life? Or are they just words I sing? I want those words to come from my heart! I want to mean them! And most of the time I do mean them. They do come from my heart.

And finally, the chorus..."What do I know of you who spoke me into motion? Where have I even stood, but the shore along Your ocean? Are You fire? Are You fury? Are You sacred? Are You beautiful? What do I know? What do I know of Holy?" What do I know about God? How much, or how little, do I know about the One that gave me life? The lyrics made me realize how big of a desire I have to know everything I can about Him. I want to have a greater relationship with my God, I am hungry for Him. He knows everything about me; how many hairs are on my head, every secret, my future...

Father, let me be still and listen for you. Give me the ears to hear you. Let the words I sing come from my heart. Lord, I want to learn everything I can about you. You are so much bigger then I can fathom. Give me wisdom. I want to understand you. Teach me about you.