Saturday, September 19, 2009


A week ago today, I got to experience one of the most amazing things ever; I got to see my sister, Megan, and my mom get baptized! Neither on e of them were planning on getting baptized when we walked into church, but during the service, my mom decided that it was time for her to take her next step. Then, right before my mom got into the pool to get baptized, Meg decided she wanted to get baptized too! I was so excited for both of them!! Two of the people I love the most got to take their next step together...amazing! I love them both sooo much and I am so proud of them! God has amazing things planned for them and I am so glad that I will be there with them to see what he has in store.

Not only did I get to see my mom and Megan publicly proclaim their love for Jesus and their desire to follow him, but I also got to see so many other believers do the same thing! I am so thankful that I am able to go to a church where I can see how God works in so many peoples lives. "Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city" -God of This City, Bluetree

"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." Galatians 3:26-27

Monday, September 14, 2009

Some Random Thoughts...

First of all: I have great friends. They make me laugh...A LOT! and i am verrry thankful for them.
Next, my mom and my sister got babtized on Saturday! (: I am sooo super proud of them! (I'll blog about it later after cough...cough...jordan...cough...sends me pictures (: )
Also, I love my church...a lot. it's awesome.
Another: school is actually kind of fun this year! haha i can't believe i actually just said that...but it's true! I think its just still the whole "new, bigger school thing" but i'm enjoying it! and i love how many things there are to do! I FEEL LIKE I HAVE A LIFE AGAIN! (: hahaha because in the is pretty much my life. i count down the days until i go there next...haha but now i can have more then that to look forward to!! whooo!

some things i have recently realized at GSM...
every single week, jordan, olivia, and i find a new middle schooler to sit with at GSM, and every single week, after worship, the middle schooler seems to disappear. we aren't really sure where they go, or why they moved, all we know is that they did not come back to sit with us. So if there is something wrong with us...please tell us! hahahaha EVERY SINGLE TIME! 3 weeks in a row! awkward!
alsoo: for the past 3 weeks at GSM (also the first 3 weeks of GSM) good ole DC Curry has found someway to talk about poop. in both middle school and high school. he has found some way to put it in whatever he is talking about. Now, if i was a 6th grader, coming into GSM for the first time, i think that i miiight just be a tad bit creeped out by this. But, I'm a freshman, and i know DC, and this really isn't that unusual. hahaha although it is kind of wierd that he has talked about poop the past 3 weeks (probably without him realizing it) it doesn't really suprise me that he talks about poop so openly. We are all one big family, right?! poop. poop. poop. poop.
more random thoughtsss: christmas is only 102 days away!!!
one last thought: i have been really lazy with making the correct letters capital on this post. its just too much work for a monday! just be happy that i shared all of these thoughts with you! because i didn't have to! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME???!!!
(oh yeah..i'm uhh kinda hyper right now. soo umm i think i better go do something calming so i can go to bed and not be tired all day tomorrow. that would not be good...not good at all!)
sooo now that you have been inside my head for a while...goodnight! (or good...morning/afternoon/evening)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"What Do I Know of Holy?"

I love, love, love this song by Addison Road. Ya know when you hear a song and it catches your attention and you can't help but stop whatever you're doing and listen? Well that's exactly what happened to me when I heard this song. And since I'm a visual learner, I later looked up the lyrics and the they really got to me. Here is the song with lyrics:

There are parts that really stuck out to me and caused these thoughts to come to mind.
"I tried to hear from heaven, but I spoke the whole time". Listening for God is not an easy thing to do. But he may be screaming at us, and we don't realize it because we are too caught up in our own words and actions. We need to be still and listen. Take time out of your day to listen for God and hear what he is telling you. Talk less, listen more. Once I did that, I felt God sooo near to me! It was amazing!

Also, "I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about how You were might to save, those were only empty words on a page". Many people know at least a few stories from the Bible, we know the right things to say when we pray, we sing the words to the worship songs at church, but does it come from our heart? Can we actually relate those stories to our life today? Can we take them and learn more about Jesus Christ? Do our prayers come from our heart? Or just from what we know we should pray about and should pray for? When I sing the words "take it all" at church, do I really mean those words? Am I really telling God to take back my life? Or are they just words I sing? I want those words to come from my heart! I want to mean them! And most of the time I do mean them. They do come from my heart.

And finally, the chorus..."What do I know of you who spoke me into motion? Where have I even stood, but the shore along Your ocean? Are You fire? Are You fury? Are You sacred? Are You beautiful? What do I know? What do I know of Holy?" What do I know about God? How much, or how little, do I know about the One that gave me life? The lyrics made me realize how big of a desire I have to know everything I can about Him. I want to have a greater relationship with my God, I am hungry for Him. He knows everything about me; how many hairs are on my head, every secret, my future...

Father, let me be still and listen for you. Give me the ears to hear you. Let the words I sing come from my heart. Lord, I want to learn everything I can about you. You are so much bigger then I can fathom. Give me wisdom. I want to understand you. Teach me about you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"I'm Gonna Live For Today"

As I pray each night, one of the first things I say is thanking God for that day. Each day is a gift from God. He chose to give us another day to spend time with the ones we love, learn about ourselves, help others, grow closer to God, bring His kingdom to earth, the list goes on and on. There is so much I can learn everyday. There is so much I can do! And because there is so much to do and keep us busy throughout the day, it is easy to overlook days of our lives. One thing I am learning to do is to not take a single day for granted. So many people live for the future, but really, we should live for today and focus on what we can do today, because as far as we know, today is our last day on earth. Of course we need to prepare for the future, but we shouldn't have to motivate ourselves to get through today so we can get to the future. Only God knows the fate of our future and when our last day on earth will be. So live everyday to the fullest, do everything you can to enjoy the day, try your hardest to make someone else's day, make the best of every situation, love everyone around you, be on fire for God, and shine His light everywhere you go. I know that God has everyday planned out already, so I need to appreciate that day and thank him for it. Even though I may get caught up in all my activities, as I pray each night, I realize how awesome it is that I got to live another day on earth, praising God and bringing up there, down here. Everyday is a gift from God. (:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A friend loves at all times -Proverbs 17:17

olivia, jordan, me, celia at CAMP ADVENTURE! (:
horrible picture...sorry guys! we need a better one!

friend [frend] noun
1. a person attached to another by feelins of affection or personal regaurd
2. a person who gives assistance

True friends are hard to find. It took me 12 years to find a group of 3 girls that I consider my best friends. They are wild, crazy, amazing, fun, awkward (:, AWESOME! I love them so much! These amazing girls are Jordan, Celia, and Olivia. It took me up until this past year to realize just how much they mean to me and how much I need them. They are amazing. I can tell them anything and everything and I know they won't judge me. I know they will always be there for me and I can come to them with any problems I am having in my life. They give me another perspective and they also give some of the BEST advice! I can share stories of my life with them and not feel like I'm being judged. Without them, I would not be who I am today. Most importantly, my friendship with each one of them has bround me closer to Christ in so many ways. That is something I will value for the rest of my life. These girls inspire me everyday. I look up to each one of them. They are amazing and I thank God everyday for putting them in my life.

Jordan, Celia, and Olivia:
You guys are amazing women of God. Thank you for all you do for me and for His kingdom. He has great things planned out for each one of you and I hope that I will be there to see His plans for your life unfold. I love you girls with all of my heart! I will ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what! Our high school years mayb be some of the toughest years we go through, but we have each other. I am so excited to see what God has planned for our friendship! (:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Diving Into the Blog World...

Heylo! (: (that's hey and hello combined for those of you who have not figured it out)
sooo...i got a blog! (obiviously) yay!
and before i say anything else...i'm going to confess...that i am a blog stalker. (: hahaha if you have a blog, i've probably read it! hahaha sooo now i'm going to join you bloggers so my fellow blog stalkers can add another blog to their stalking list!
reasons why i wanted a blog...hmmm...wellll i rrrreallly like to talk, but sometimes my thoughts come out better as words. so i figured this would be a fun way to let the world know what i'm thinking! and i'll share stories of things happening in my life, which can get prrretty interesting at times and at other times...its quite boring. and i will also post completely random thoughts that pop into my head! just a forewarning...that happens often. like for instance: i just realized i've been using this thing .... whatever its called, a lot on this post. so maybe its time to wrap it up. sooo if you want to become my official blog stalker: read on! (: