Looking back on this past year, it was a really fun, challenging, crazy, busy, and awesome year!!! I grew a lot closer to many of my friends and i formed many new friendships, i experienced new things, i was challenged in ways i never thought i would be, and God revealed himself to me in ways i never knew were possible. Here were some of my highlights from this past year--

I survived my first (and only) year of Penn Choir. (yes, that was a BIG accomplishment and it is noteworthy)
I was able to invite one of my best friends, Jordan, to go on spring break with my family and I.

I went parasailing for the first time and it was sooo much fun!!!

I went on the Breathe retreat with some of my closest friends. It gave me a chance to spend a lot of time alone with God and it really helped me in my spiritual walk.

I was a counselor for the first time at Camp Adventure and I had the most amazing group everrrr!!! I love every one of them and it was one of the best weeks of my life!!

I went on my first mission trip to Chicago with an AMAZING team! I had SO much fun and I gained a lot of really close relationships.

EMILY CAN DRIIIIIIIVE!!! (yeah, its exciting)

I went to the beach a lotttt! And I got to spend a lottt of time with Emily and Olivia this summer!

I got to see my friends off to Nashville on their mission trip!

And although I didnt go, I wasnt forgotten (:

I was a bridesmaid in my cousins wedding

the CHOCOLATE obsession began...

we had the first official randomness party!!! and we made a new friend, (pictured above) SK!

we were robbers for halloweeeeeeeeeeeen

I was a leader at Renewal and had an AWESOME group of girls!!

Piper Noel was welcomed into the Jacquay family (:

and I continue to be apart of the best small group!!!
Gooooooodbyeeeee 2010.