My transition from middle school to high school made for a lottt of changes. One of the biggest and most confusing changes was some of my friendships. I lost friends in the transition, but I also grew closer to other friends and I even gained a few new friends! At the beginning of the year I was so confused on how last year I was so close to those friends and now all of a sudden its like we barely even knew each other! But now, I know that God was behind it all. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he always does! I realize now that those friendships weren't for me. They weren't really doing me any good. They caused more drama then I need and they led me into uneeded temptation. Now that those friendships no longer exsist (or they at least aren't as strong), I have been able to grow closer to those who build me up closer to God. I've also met some people who just over the past 6 months, have had a huge impact on my life! I am sooo super thankful for the ways God works!