Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Playlist

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"Do as I say, not as I do."
That saying is absolutely ridiculous! How can anyone expect someone else to do what they can't even do themselves? It's so easy for us to see the stick in someone else's eye before we see the plank in our own. It's easy to give good advice but when advice is given to you, it's sometimes hard to take. That's where we become hypocritical as human beings. We seem to know what's right for everyone else, what's wrong with their life, why it's like that, how to fix it, what to do and what not to do, it all comes so easy until it circles around and you're the one on the other end. It's hard to listen to advice from someone who doesn't listen to it themselve. I want to be someone my friends feel comfortable going to for advice and I want them to be able to trust that I will listen to my own advice. In an odd way, giving advice forces me to hold myself accountable to certain things because I don't want to be a hypocrite. I think its definitely a good thing and I've gotta give props to the Holy Spirit for making my conscience so conscience-y. Sometimes I hate it in the moment, but later on, I'm thankful for it. I value the advice I get from anyone, but I value it even more if the person takes their own advice.

I'm Still Alive!

I fail at blogging.

This is my attempt at starting to blog again so I guess we'll see how it goes. No promises.

And on that note, I'm going to bed so my next post will actually make sense and be gramatically correct tomorrow morning when I write it.

Good night fellow bloggers!